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Suggested timeframe of completion: Beginning of School Year- October 1

Suggested timeframe of completion: Beginning of School Year- October 1


You are halfway through your Career Pathway Plan. Your plan includes a list of the classes you have taken in the past, those you are currently taking, and those that you plan to take. The combination of all your high school courses as well as all of the career exploration activities you already completed make up the plan that you most likely started back in 8th grade.

10th grade is the year when you will start exploring more than just your interests, strengths, and general career options and take a deeper dive into the world of work. By the end of this year, you will have the tools you need to start making informed decisions about your future.

If you have not completed any of the previous years’ plans, now is the time catch up. Maybe things have changed – you can step back and explore your options again and re-think how you’ll move forward. Maybe your interests have completely changed. Talk to your family, friends, and counselor about those changes, and your new plans. Don’t be afraid to ask for help along the way.